DJ Kaya aka DJ Captain Swing (The Prague Swingmasters), Michal a Baron vyrazili vloni v létě do Bratislavy na Uprising festival jako spojená výprava redakcí Rádia 1 a No a když už tam byli… Michal: Za prvé, byli jsme jediní, kdo se tam k Parovovi dostali. Zčásti je to určitě jeho promotérem, jehož přístup […]
Parov Stelar představí v Praze jedinečné Theater Tour
D Smack U Promotion & Red Triangle uvádějí Parov Stelar Theater Tour 2024 23. 2. 2024, doors 19:00 Forum Karlín, Praha Vstupenky za 1090 Kč + poplatky v prodeji od pátku 6. 10. 10:00 v sítích Ticketportal a Ticketmaster. Ticketportal: Ticketmaster: PAROV STELAR PŘEDSTAVÍ V PRAZE JEDINEČNÉ THEATER TOUR Připravte se na nezapomenutelnou hudební […]
The Prague Swingmasters in 1963 Pioneers of vintage swing and electro swing parties in Czech Republic. Members: DJ Karel Ctibor, the eldest active DJ in Czech Republic (born 1934). DJ Captain Swing, swinging alter ego of DJ Kaya from Radio 1.
Electro Swing pioneer in the Czech Republic. Radio 1 DJ (the show: Swing Imperium). The member of the DJ team The Prague Swingmasters. Cpt. Swing plays electro swing, vintage swing and related musical styles. Cpt. Swing usually plays in clubs and also on festivals (eg. Beats for Love, Mighty Sounds or Sázava fest) He supported stars such […]
The eldest Czech active DJ (born 1934). Vintage swing specialist Nr. 1 He plays in clubs and festivals (eg. Mighty Sounds, Sázava fest or Sad-ska fest).